A Fox’s Thoughts on NaNoWriMo and the AI Controversy

Fox and Quill
5 min readSep 20, 2024

NaNoWriMo dug itself an even deeper hole to get out of in August when the board released its stance on writing with AI. After stating that they support the use of AI as a tool in the writing journey, support for the organization plummeted. Many authors dropped their support and asked to no longer be associated with the platform. Commentary on Reddit and Twitter (disgustingly now called X by some) shared a common idea that the so-called support came from a push for the product of one of their sponsors, ProWriting Aid. Whether these thoughts and opinions are grounded in any sort of fact is not what this Fox will talk about. No, this Fox has her own thoughts on the use of AI in writing, and some of those thoughts will be reflected soon. However, why this Fox is dropping her support for NaNoWriMo is simple: They called those who opposed AI ableist and classist.

To be given this label is something that shouldn’t be done lightly. These are words that are thrown around a lot in today’s society, often with good reason. NaNoWriMo took a stance using language that does not promote the very inclusivity they are arguing for. If anything, they have done more to alienate. Did they propose this argument in good faith or simply because one of their biggest backers happens to be an AI writing tool? Does the Fox believe AI is a good tool for writing, editing, and…



Fox and Quill

Passion for blending creativity and technology. Founder of Cyber Fae Gardens. Join us and let’s inspire each other! https://discord.gg/cyberfaegardens